Video Conferencing in Business, Education and for Personal Use

By FredrickHobbs

Video conferencing is fast becoming a popular tool for face-to-face communication across distances. Though it is primarily used in the business community, there are other areas that would benefit greatly if video conferencing were used more readily, such as education and personal communication. Listed below are some of the benefits each of these fields reaps when using this technology:

Business Video Conferencing

Video conference is cost-effective for business. Air travel, car rental, and hotel stays are all substantial expenses that can be avoided by using video conference. Conferencing via video allows for a face-to-face meeting with parties in several different locations that is more personable than emails or video tape without all the cost of physically being there.

It is a time-saver too! Companies lose hundreds of work hours because of travel every year. Using this form of communication can eliminate all of those wasted hours that can be better spent preparing presentations and promoting products and ideas to increase the bottom line.

Education and Video Conferencing

Education, especially in junior high and high schools, is an area where video conference is grossly under-used. Universities use telecommunication for guest lecturers or to allow professors to give their lessons from remote locations. Secondary schools would do well to follow suit, especially when the youth of today are so comfortable and accustomed to using this type technology.

It can also be used as a cost cutting tool for school districts. Children with social disorders or behavioral issues can be taught in the comfort and safety of their homes. Districts that are rural and large could save money on busing through the use of video conference.

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Personal Communication Through Video Conferencing

Parents and grandparents often complain that they don’t see enough of their children and grandchildren when the family is separated by miles. Video conferencing is a perfect way of having a virtual family reunion without the financial burden of flying or driving. Plus, there is no jet lag to recover from!

There are many companies located throughout the country who specialize in video conference as well as other forms of telecommunication. The prices for these services are considerably more affordable than all of the travel expenses that can be incurred otherwise. Equipment may be available for rental as well, in case you don’t have what is needed. No matter how many parties are to be involved and no matter where they are in the world, video conferencing is a great way to bridge the distance!