Redesign: evolution or revolution?, that is the question

By FredrickHobbs

At the time of updating the design of packaging  it raises the question of how much and how to change the existing identity, without losing recognition and gain relevance.

Often the motivation for change is in the hands of the owners of the brand, it is the competitive environment which is driving the need for change.

When they decided it was time to make a design change of packaging the first question to be answered is why? The design is an activity dedicated to solving problems and to solve them must know what they are. Otherwise, we could be dedicated to solving the wrong problem.

Brands are forced to change in order to rejuvenate, show active, versatile and adapted to the rapid changes of this era. This is mostly what brands they pursue to remain in place and visible from the crowded shelves offer (shelves / linear). A change in package design, material or graphics can be exploited to communicate a profound change in brand message.

What I can change?

It is not the same the redesign of a leader than a low market share mark. As the procedure a doctor faced with a patient, the first step is to make a diagnosis of the health status of the brand, and its modern design. What they value their customers? What they identify and what not?

Analyze and evaluate their visual assets ( equities ) and what makes it relevant to their consumers. It may be the 3D shape of the container, proportion, material, color, layout, recognizable and own sign. Anyway, what is distinctive to the brand or product. It is important to evaluate them carefully to determine only the elements that makes this brand is that, and no other. Even in the most traditional and conservative products you may change more things which can not be changed.

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Another important point is to relieve the strategies used by competitors and similar brands. What do you make it work? What it does not work? What opportunities are there to stand? Think of a different strategy to avoid falling into the temptation of  me-too.  What works for one brand does not mean to serve for another

The consumer is boss

The direct recipients design  packaging  are inevitably consumers. The design of  packaging  should discuss the appropriate way for each consumer. Not only speak the same language, but must do it the way you found it sitting.

There are several types of consumers, but it is important to identify them. They can be conservative and reluctant to change, or perhaps more unstructured and aimed to seek new and exciting experiences.

Whatever the consumer, there are no formulas. The consumer, for the human condition, is a creature of habit. These habits can be as unchanging as changing. As people grow, they develop emotionally and professionally and travel to other countries change their lifestyle. The consumer is evolving and so does the context in which they live , so the design of  packaging  must also accompany those changes.

Evolution or Revolution?

Overall evolution is recommended for brands that are well established in the market and can not run the risk of being confused, or worse, not be recognized neither by their own consumers. It is logical that brand executives do not want to lose valuable ground gained over the years.

However, there are cases in which the path and gained support through other mobile mass communication allows leaders are encouraged to take bigger steps.

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The revolution is generally a highly effective way to revitalize brands with low market share or do not attract attention and stand out. Through a new and innovative design, a brand has weakened more freedom and possibilities of change, strengthened and differentiated to attract new consumers.

A redesign could not only make the product look more attractive, but it can to re-position the product by increasing their perception of quality and consumer confidence in the brand. You can also optimize manufacturing processes and save costs.

Ten keys to redesign

  • Wonder about the need for change
  • Analyze the health status of the brand
  • Know its history deeply
  • Detect what are equities  Brand
  • Respect the elements that are most important
  • Relieve competition
  • Identify consumer profile
  • Defining a design strategy
  • Rewriting history that is marked to count
  • Designed according to what the brand needs